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Thursday, October 10, 2013


This was a long and tiresome week.

First, my laptop had a nervous breakdown. It got better, but now I have Word 2013! Saying I hated it is underestimating my feelings towards this weird creature called MS Office 2013. But you know what, after some days I am beginning to like all those new options. Also, it has a better spell check, and a good spell check is a writer’s best friend.

All three books of the “Witch Hollow” series have been re-edited. Those who have already purchased the books will soon be able to update them. You will have to go to “Manage my kindle” page on Amazon and click the update button under the book title. Only, I can’t tell you the exact date when the updates will be available. It depends solely on Amazon.

If there are readers who want a free copy of any of the books in exchange for an honest review, just email me at

Also, a paperback for the “Witch Hollow and the Wrong Spell” is already available. The rest of the books will be available in paperback very soon. Just give me a week :)

I have an official Facebook page:
I will be posting updates and other interesting info, so don’t forget to follow me there.

Do you like the songs from my books? I'm sure you do :)
I have uploaded the songs and music to YouTube and have created playlists for all three books. Click on the titles to listen to the songs on the playlists:
Witch Hollow and the Wrong Spell

The playlists include not only the songs and music featured in the books, but a few other songs by such wonderful artists as Nox Arcana and Adrian von Ziegler. Nox Arcana has always been an inspiration for me. If you need dark, creepy, and mysterious music, search no more.
I have used many photos from the Web for the videos, and now I am wondering if I’m going to have issues with copyright. I promise to delete any video and change any picture by the first demand from the owners. I just didn’t have time to search for public domain photos, especially with a sick laptop.
This is my favorite video of the day.

Now, the Dryad Princess.
I have been receiving lots of emails regarding the very last scene of the "Witch Hollow and the Dryad Princess." I won’t be spoiling the ending for those who have not finished the book yet. I just want to say that your confusion is what I wanted to achieve X-)
Yes, I knew the ending would leave my readers a bit confused (some say they were shocked). You will find more answers in the next book. Please keep in mind that I need your help to finish the series. Reviewing my books, sharing them on your social pages will help me a lot. Tell your friends about the books by sharing this page.
Thanks in advance. I promise, you won’t be disappointed.

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